TST - Predoctoral Applicant
Eligibility Criteria:
· Is enrolled as a full-time student in a doctoral program at UT Health San Antonio
· Is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
· Has established a Research Supervising Professor/Mentor
· Can apply the concepts of translational science to their research project
· For additional details and instructions for applicants, see this page - https://iims.uthscsa.edu/education/education/t32/application-guidelines/
When you begin the application process, you will see a number of tasks on the left side of your screen.
All of these tasks must be completed before you will be allowed to click the Review & Submit button.
An open circle indicates a task that has not been started.
A partially filled circle is a task that has been started, but not completed.
A filled green circle with a check mark is a task that has been completed and you are ready to move to the next task. Simply click the next open circle and begin entering the required information.
NOTE: If you cannot preview or download your application, make sure the pop-up blocker is turned off.
For other technical problems click here - https://apply-uthscsa.smapply.io/helpdesk/
Predoctoral Translational Science Training (TST) T32 Program 2025
TST - Predoctoral Applicant
Eligibility Criteria:
· Is enrolled as a full-time student in a doctoral program at UT Health San Antonio
· Is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
· Has established a Research Supervising Professor/Mentor
· Can apply the concepts of translational science to their research project
· For additional details and instructions for applicants, see this page - https://iims.uthscsa.edu/education/education/t32/application-guidelines/
When you begin the application process, you will see a number of tasks on the left side of your screen.
All of these tasks must be completed before you will be allowed to click the Review & Submit button.
An open circle indicates a task that has not been started.
A partially filled circle is a task that has been started, but not completed.
A filled green circle with a check mark is a task that has been completed and you are ready to move to the next task. Simply click the next open circle and begin entering the required information.
NOTE: If you cannot preview or download your application, make sure the pop-up blocker is turned off.
For other technical problems click here - https://apply-uthscsa.smapply.io/helpdesk/