Login instructions

For Applicants who have a UTHSCSA login account – please follow the directions below.

For Applicants who do not have a UTHSCSA login account, please go to page 4 for login directions.

  1. When you click the link for Survey Monkey Apply, you should be presented with a screen that looks like the one below – (the Login instructions will open this document should you need help)

To log into Survey Monkey Apply, click the small arrow to the right of the words ‘Log In’ (shown by the red arrow)

You will see the choices below – click on UT Health SA Login

You will then be presented with the UT Health San Antonio sign on screen below

Use your UTHSCSA login credentials to login to the system.

You are ready to proceed with your application.

If you do not see the screens as described above, please continue reading and see if the explanation is found below.


If you see the screen below, click on Return to UT Health San Antonio, then follow the instructions from #1 above.

If you click the Register link (purple arrow), you will be asked to create a Survey Monkey Apply account –DO NOT do this if you have a UTHSCSA login.  


** OR **

If the screen you see looks like this, click the small arrow to the right of ‘Log In’ shown by the red arrow.  

If you click the apply button (purple arrow), you will see the screen below – Simply click on Return to UT Health San Antonio (shown by red arrow) and follow the instructions from #1 at the top of this document.


** OR **

If you happen to click Register, you will see this screen. Click Return to UT Health San Antonio (shown by the red arrow) and continue from #1 at the top of this document.


If you are having problems logging in, please contact Survey Monkey Apply help desk at support@smapply.io or click here https://smapply.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000921094-How-to-Request-Login-Assistance

For those who do not have a UTHSCSA login account, please follow the instructions below

If you see this screen at first,

Click on the Green Register button, which will take you to this screen

Fill out the information and click CREATE ACCOUNT.  This will create a Survey Monkey Apply account for you.  PLEASE remember this information, as we have no way to retrieve it.  You can also use your Facebook, Twitter or Google account to log in, if you wish.

Whichever method you choose will be how you access your application from now on within Survey Monkey Apply.


Once you have created a Survey Monkey Apply login account, you will see a screen like this when you return

 To log in, click the small arrow next to Log In (shown by the red arrow) and you will see this screen

Click on SurveyMonkey Apply and you will see the screen below

Enter your information and click Log in. You should be presented with a screen that asks what role you want to log into, if you serve in multiple roles such as an applicant and a reviewer; and based on that choice, you will see either your applications or the items that you are responsible for reviewing.  If you are an applicant only, you will see your application(s).

If you are having problems logging in, please contact Survey Monkey Apply help desk at support@smapply.io or click here https://smapply.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000921094-How-to-Request-Login-Assistance